Inventory Stock

Inventory Stockis sold by our partner AppTeam, updates and support are provided by the vendor directly on

Attention: Appteam does not manage serials or activations from this marketplace. Contact Siberian at


It is very easy to manage and track your products with our system.

With Inventory Stock, you can manage your inventory from your computer or other mobile operating systems using our web application. Collaborative work is also supported in our system.

We classify the inventory on three levels.

Articles: products or articles that can be countable and movable. Items have their own quantities so you can keep track of their movements and counts. For example; 1 can of milk, 3 notebooks, 2 glasses.

Categories: Gives you the ability to group your items by their similar attributes. For example their location, size, shelf number or even the buyer’s name.

Shop: Allows you to provide additional details per shop such as the third level.

This categorization system allows you to create your inventory horizontally using relationships. Creating relationships using items, groups and tags is very simple and allows you to manage inventory.

You can add names, images, object barcode values, and additional information to the system. There is no limit to the amount of additional information for your items.

Additionally, you can add quantity values ​​to your items and track quantity movements on each quantity change by noting quantity. This allows you to view changes in quantity over time and retrieve reports of those changes with specific annotation data.

We support the 16 most used universal QR code types and universal barcode types for scanning. Code scanning allows for super-easy management of your items. Once your items have been scanned you can go to the details of that item.

After being registered on our system, you can export your inventory in csv format and share it with others. To work on the same inventory, the same registration account must be used by other users. You can even reach your inventory via your computer using our web application.

Our other features:

  • Create new items, categories and stores manually.
  • Register to our system via Facebook or your email and reach your inventory via our web application.
  • Work collaboratively.
  • Export of your items as CSV files in the phone memory or via email.
  • Add items to your favorites list to find them easily.
  • Look for your items.
  • The summary information page allows you to view information from your inventory.
  • Ability to define default values.

Add Store:

Manger Store:

Create e manager category:

In app select store:

Prepare you work use + o camera phone:

Manager product

Demo Siberian:

Pricing: 1 year support & updates – 299.00€

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