Only compatible with Siberian 4.15.0 and above.


This product is sold by our partner MigaStone. The support is provided by this vendor directly. You will get his support access in the purchase receipt email.

Many times the relationship with our customers is a bit difficult, with a complex platform like the Siberian one, it’s very easy to have misunderstandings.
From our experience is a good habit to recap always what we told the customer in a single place.
This would cancel future discussions, wasting time, as a written summary is very different from remembering things verbally.

Migamessage is a simple mod of Siberian, as you know inside the backoffice of Siberian there is a “messages” section that is almost useless because what you write there is not notify to anyone.

MIGAMESSAGE instead allows to :

  • Notify by email to all who has access to the APP as App Owner the content of the message. (In our case in Migastone the App Owner, the Agent that sold the App etc)
  • Add a CC recipient if you want to notify also to 3rd parties the message
  • Add an attachment to the message
  • Keep track of the log of the messages with date and time, list of recipients, etc

You have now a centralized messaging area where all the communication of this specific APP is in one place, accessible for all parties involved.

Price 39 €/ Yearly subscription

The module supports translations, you can also change the name of the module however you want


Always you can check the last version of this module by entering your license code here:

1.1.0 cURL instead of “file_get_content” fix

1.0.12 Stable version

Support provided by email here support@migastone.com


You can try this module on our demo installation  https://demo.migastone.com

User: demo@migastone.com

Pass: demopass

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