Only compatible with Siberian 4.16.10 and above.


This product is sold by our partner MigaStone. The support is provided by this vendor directly. You will get his support access in the purchase receipt email.

NB: This module requires Individual Push module.

Are you looking for reliable statistics for your APP?
Do you want to know how many users are installing and uninstalling your APP?
Are you curious to discover the Delivery Rate and the Open Rate of the Push Notifications? (And maybe surprise your customers with 5x up to 10x performances than an email??!!!)

The answer is MIGASTATS, now with a SUPER COOL offer !!
Version 1.3.4 is out and includes new cool features.

Webinar Replay https://vimeo.com/421073329

ONLY 49€/yearly !!! instead 79€!!!
The license is yearly, valid only on one server per time and open to unlimited apps support. 

here all the new features:

– List of the OS devices active
– Coupons stats: list of used coupons with all details
– Loyalty card report: list of all the stamps, list of the current status of all loyalty cards per user.
– Progressive loyalty card report, same as standard loyalty
– Ecommerce report of all orders details
– ALL the reports are downloadable in CSV file
– ALL the old records are showed
– With CSV all can analyze the data in EXCELL and create nice reports. i.e. Chart of users that more loyalty, who has a certain amount of stamps in loyalty and much more.


MIGASTATS is a new module to generate reliable statistics on the usage of Siberian apps.

Because trying to intercept the installation and uninstallation of an APP via JScript inside the App appeared unreliable, we chose another more intelligent approach.


Each App when a user accepts the sending of push notification release a unique token that identifies this app worldwide. With this method, we can catch exactly who install an App and also when an App is uninstalled.

Thus, we have super precise stats, including uninstallation that is almost impossible to catch in other ways.

From our business perspective, is it clear that what is important are the Apps with push enabled, more exactly, the users that want to be in touch with the merchant.

The MIGASTATS includes also a superpower PUSH NOTIFICATION statistics with DELIVERY RATE and OPEN RATE that is showing how Push notifications are power vs. other channels. Up to 10 times more than an email communication!!

We plan to expand this module with new cool options and statistics of all possible actions a user can perform in one App (loyalty points, coupons, orders on the store, carnets etc). Migastats aims to become the best statistics and R.O.I. calculator for your Apps owners!

The module supports translations, you can also change the name of the module however you want


INSTALL and UNINSTALL day by day of APPS



COUPONS, LOYALTY CARDS and ECOMMERCE reports, downloadables in CSV file!


If you have an old source code app is possible that a blank push is shown every day (the silent push that we use to refresh the stats of devices). Normally it is not showing up in the App but on very old source codes yes. In this case, you have two way to fix the issue, one is to re-publish a new source code, another is to disable the stats related the devices.


Always you can check the last version of this module by entering your license code here:

2.1.0 Improve of the silent push

1.6.20 Improve the fix of Blank pushes, necessary siberian 4.17.8 or above. Added a way to disable old apps not compatible from backoffice.

1.5.9 Fixed Push Statistics

1.3.4 Added lot of new stats, reports and features

1.3.15 Introduced SILENT PUSH to update correctly the stats every day 

1.3.1 Fixed min version required 4.16.10 during installation

1.3.0 First public version

You can try this module on our demo installation  https://demo.migastone.com

User: demo@migastone.com

Pass: demopass

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