Only compatible with Siberian 4.18.4 and above.


This product is sold by our partner MigaStone. The support is provided by this vendor directly. You will get his support access in the purchase receipt email.

Do you need a “remote controller” of your APP?
MIGA APP MANAGER is doing exactly this.

Our module is allowing you to manage your SIBERIAN APP directly from the Mobile Phone, without accessing the Control Panel of Siberian.

What are the benefits for the App Owner?

1. Send out a push, directly from the phone.
2. Add pictures directly from the Mobile Camera and manage the Picture Galleries
3. Add, remove and modify your Coupons
4. Add, remove and modify Events in your App Calendar
5. Add, remove and modify News in your Social News Wall
6. See the last statistics of your App (if migastats is installed, see migastats)
and more features to come.

Watch this short introductory video  https://youtu.be/bCAEeLLCt5k  

Always you can check the last version of this module by entering your license code here:

To understand better all the functionalities of this feature, take a look at the USER MANUAL

The YEARLY license is per PLATFORM.
It costs 199€ and allows you to create unlimited Apps.

To activate the module you will receive within 1 working day a license by email.

we suggest charging 20€ to the customer for this functionality per App.

Visit our website www.migamodules.com


You can try this module on our demo installation  https://demo.migastone.com

User: demo@migastone.com

Pass: demopass

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